Saturday 11 April 2009

This is the crowd of children saying goodbye to us when we visited a very remote school. We were actually in the diocesan car with 2 american ladies and pasteur emmanual. They went in the church and we went into the classrooms and helped with lessons. It took us over an hour in the four by four to get up the tracks to the school, many of which looked no better than footpaths. The children are so excited to see you - its more than possible that they have never ever seen a white person in their lives which is quite an extraordinary thought. But considering how long it took us in a car to get to their village its unlikely that they have ever been anywhere near civilisation. It kind of makes you think you must know how the Queen feels to be the object of such cheering and excitement. It also makes you remember how lucky you are that you can just travel anywhere whenever and however you want to

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